Tuesday, February 24, 2009

If the diet Devil had a name, it would be called...

ERIC !!!!! (see further down the posting for an explanation)

Rooibos tea + chai tea LeBootCamp Weight loss Program style

Breakfast: 1 porridge with dried + nuts

In the gym: 30 min stationary bike level 5 (that's roughly about 250 calories burned) + 10 min weight training

30 min walk with the hairy monster

Speedy lunch because of an interview with a journalist whom I hadn't met before and, based on the tone of her emails, my expectations are high!

1 apple (with the skin to benefit from all the fiber) + 1 portion wholegrain buckwheat pasta and soya cheese 

message for Pechcoco: the dress is a Lanvin prototype therefore unique, so you can only find it in my wardrobe, sorry :)

Snack: the devil presented me with a beautiful white chocolate stiletto shoe... and, of course, I couldn't resist! so I hate him but at the same time it was so good that the feeling melowed quickly! Thank you Eric!

1h walk to burn some of that diabolical thing

10 min walk
100 buttock squeezes
20 inverted triceps
100 floor abs
60 stand up leg sweeps

Light diner as I'm still feeling a bit queasy after such a white chocolate extravaganza :) 1 carrot and ginger soup + 7 satsumas

1 comment:

  1. how many calories in this shoe?? more than 1,000? did you eat it all ????? tell us everything!
