Saturday, April 11, 2009

A party with friends... a guarantied feel good!

Breakfast: 1 bowl wholewheat O shaped cereal + 1 soya yogurt + 2 clementines and white tea.

45 minutes walk around the bay

Lunch: 3 Chinese ravioli + 1 artichoke with soyonnaise + 1 new Le BootCamp recipe: "Cinnamon and pine nuts ptitim"... reserved to the boot.campers who have already been with us for a whole year + 3 clementines

15 minutes walk
2X2 minutes Brazilian movements
1 minutes pelvic floor exercises

Snack: what is left of the ptitim and 3 clementines 

Diner: tapas with friends for super E's "25"th birthday! 
too long to describe, but had a bit of everything - one does get caught up and eats far more than needed but... we laughed so much that that the cardiovascular system got a great workout, I justify myself as I can :)

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