Friday, November 27, 2009

Active Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Thursday:

Breakfast: after a cup of tea brewed in my room, I always travel with my own tea :), 1 toasted bagel with some kind of "Vache qui Rit" on it with smoked salmon and capers +  nice plate of fruit.

3 and a half hours mountain biking... we start off in the sunshine and as we reach the heights we ride into ice and snow...

Lunch: none because of the ride and the substantial breakfast.

30 tricep dips on the edge of the bathtub

Thanksgiving dinner: 2 plates typical Thanksgiving vegetables (oven roasted sweet potatoes with melted mashmallows,  yes I can assure you it is really delicious!), a few bits of turkey to say "yes it is Thanksgiving" + warm green tea during the meal. For desert: 3 mouthfuls pecan pie... I leave the cheesecake and pumpkin pie as I am not a great fan of those.


5 hours hiking to go and admire the Chiulnana falls


5 hours hike again to ascend the Upper Yosemite Falls... impressive view... and impressively cold :)


no sport :)

Breakfast: only fruit as I am not so hungry 
Lunch: lentil soup 

1 hour massage with Alejandro who is kneading me back into shape after 4 very active days
Dinner: home made mixed vegetable soup + bok choi gratin + baby leaf salad and 2 oranges

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