Thursday, November 5, 2009

Press conference + "Le Concert" and back to SF

For the last two days of this trip, the steady pace shows no sign of slowing down, witch is rather good considering my current news.

I have a great meeting with a high flying investigative journalist, Bernard de la Villardiere whos work I much admire.

Several interviews and a press conference on Friday morning for the launch of the new Nestle Fitness breakfast cereal. I take to the stage to explain the concept of coaching with Nestle and give a little class (if that's what you can call it :) on exercises the journalists can perform sitting down to relax their upper back.

We had a few good laughs and, to my great surprise, a round of applause at the end... I am very happy to see that the journalists have enjoyed the time we spent together!

After a lunch with Carole in a typical Parisian cafe, I am on my way to a meeting advance a very interesting project.

And, at last, an afternoon off before my journey back to the USA,... I choose a long relaxing stroll... at least 3 hours through Paris, with a spot of Christmas shopping along the way. I especially stock up on the all the typical French delicacies I miss when abroad... I finish off with an early dinner at "Paradis du Fruit" and go and see LE CONCERT, a gem of a movie. So I managed a little French culture as well, the cherry on the cake.

Now, lets go and pack and tomorrow I cross the big pond back to the US.

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