Monday, March 2, 2009

Fired Up!

After a very quiet week-end for feeling quite sick the whole time... because of gallbladder stones, yes, that's what was wrong with me in the end (and, no, I'm not pregnant, like some have suggested :). No exercise and very light food... not sure that should a new diet to follow :)

That's it, I passed the stone, I can get back to a more active lifestyle!

I saw Fired Up this weekend. Despite a fun trailer, I had no expectations, well, I must admit that although the story line is rather average, the film is hilarious! 

Breakfast: vanilla roobois tea (I'm hooked!) + 2 pieces baguette (nice and white bread, well once in a while..) + non-hydrogenated margarine + 1 teaspoon strawberry jam

Very interesting meetings all morning....

In the gym just before lunch which will now be quite late: 60 min cardio training at 130 BPM (20 min stairmaster + 20 min bike + 20 min cross trainer) + 15 min weights

Lunch: 1 wild salmon burger + 2 roast tomato (with lots of herbs) + 1 a huge portion blueberries

50 min walk with Nestle

Snack : 10 fresh almonds + 1 cherry soya yogurt + sugar free cereal

Diner: 1 bowl tomato bisque, 1 bowl clam chowder+ 5 tbs bolognaise sauce (without pasta, I am not a great pasta fan)  + 1 soya yogurt

2 min ballerina moves

1 comment:

  1. hey girl...I saw FiredUp! yesterday and loooooved it! great, funny, the actors are just perfect and I could see the panther queen in the next Twlight movie as the fisherman :-))
