Friday, March 6, 2009

No exercise when ill, it's an order!

on an empty stomach: 45 min walk during an interview with Reader's Digest (article to be published in may 2009).

Work meeting in Starbucks: Chai tea my way with soya milk (organic) and splenda.

Breakfast: 1 hemp seed/pomegranate/banana/almond milk and fresh blackberries smoothie (as yesterday, and the day before...)... just too yummy! 

Warm tea all morning and 1 gram Vit C every 2 hours... It is starting to take effect after less than 48h without any other treatment... hurray! but my appetite is spoilt by my cold, so I listen to my body and it's needs...

Lunch: 1 veggie burger", steam broccoli with a dollop soyanaise, 1 cherry/soya yogurt.

snack : 2 oranges

Diner : 1 soya yogurt with sugar free cereal + 1 handful Sancha seeds from deepest Peru.

I can't shake this cold off... so, no exercise today... I protest against all those articles I see in American women's magazines promoting "illness exercise". Let the body heal itself,  for goodness sake!

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