Saturday, March 24, 2012

Challenge Nation San Franciso - a 5km scavenger hunt!

For a few weeks now I've been looking forward to a special scavenger hunt in my city which
involves strategic thinking and physical activity in a unique San Francisco challenge.

Challenge Nation, which takes place in 35 cities across the USA combines everything I love in one fantastic experience. In true Da Vinci Code-style, we have to solve a set of clues as we get through the city by foot only and public transit. No bikes, rollerblades, skateboards, cars or taxis! We can bring our phones along though which is helpful for solving the clues!

Light breakfast: juice of 1 fresh lemon in room-temp water followed by my sobacha, and a raw smoothie which I concoct for the first time: fresh coconut milk + 1 banana + raw chocolate.

Lunch right before heading out: a small slice of wholewheat bread, sheep cheese, fresh fruit and dried fruit.

There are hundreds of participating teams, ours being called "LeBootCamp" of course ;).

Part of the program is to find 12 objects throughout the city. We have 4 hrs total, though the pros do it in 1.5 hrs! But we prefer to take our time and enjoy the fun :)

A space shuttle? Find on Embarcadero
A restaurant with an unpronounceable name? Find in Pier39
A special consulate?
A man carrying sports gear from a non-Californian team?
The smallest museum in the city?
And more...find them all!

We do the full 5-7 km treck under torrential rain. So we were pretty wiped out when we hit the finish line - totally not in the lead, but they, the real pleasure was spending time with family and friends!

Dinner: tomato soup with edamame + a vegan chocolate mousse (sans eggs or dairy) and made with "real" chocolate. Yum!

The active day ends with some relaxation in the jacuzzi and off to bed!

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