Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LeBootCamp and Valerie Orsoni on 24savvy (easy workouts)

If you want some quick and easy workouts, visit 24Savvy.com - they've featured some of my super tips to staying in shape without sweating ;)

Click here: Article

Up early because I can't get enough of the book I'm reading (I read 10000 pages in one month!) - fell asleep to it, and then woke early to read some more :).

Freshly squeezed lemon juice + room-temperature water + roobois tea + vitamin

Muscles a little sore from my workout yesterday...this is good, means I got them working :)

Breakfast: a bowl of gluten-free cereal with almond milk + a bunch of grapes

1 hr walk with Nestle while talking on the phone

So much good news to share that I needed that full hour and more!!!

Lunch: a rice tortilla with soy cheese...(don't mind my repetition of this food, I tend to get into a mode of craving the same thing for a while ;) + 1 orange + 1 grapefruit

Snack: 1 soy yogurt + 1 banana

1 hr walk again

Family dinner: 1 "bistek de pulma" (EXTRA lean piece of meat, 3 millimeters thick) + spinach salad + 1 pink grapefruit + 1 orange

Quiet reading with my family...I think I'm going to beat my 10,000 pages from last month!

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