Tuesday, August 11, 2009

EL AY here I come

I pop over to LA to meet some power people as we call them here.
I am incredibly lucky... but hush, I won't say any more for now... as you know, I never divulge anything about my celebrities and friends, I don't use them to develop LeBootCamp... that would be so unethical :)

15 minutes walk on an empty stomach

Breakfast: 1 smoothie: home made almond milk + raw cocoa + hemp seeds + strawberries + vanilla extract, vroum vroum... + rooibos tea.

15 minutes walk in the airport

On board: 2 tomato juices + a few cassava chips + and grilles edamame... no time for lunch I go straight into a meeting

1 hour walk between 2 meetings and I even manage to fit in a mani-pedicure to be at my best tomorrow :)

Snack: a raw fruit and cereal bar (I always absolutely always have some in my bag)

I manage to fit in 200 abs before my shower tonight + 100 bridge butt lifts + 30 45 degree press-ups

45 minutes walk in high heels during witch I can't resist a a fat free sugar free frozen yogurt... not much damage done

Dinner at Marix Tex Mex, Jennifer (Aniston)'s favorite Mexican restaurant... At the beginning, we are good: a little ahi tuna tartar... followed by a burger without bread but with 2 slices tomato and a bowl fresh fruit... if we had left it at that, it would be a perfect LeBootCamp style meal... only, the waiter tempted us, it wasn't our fault, LOL, result? A lime tart... to save our honor we passed on the wiped cream :)

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