Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ramadan video for those of you starting it soon

For those of you reading me who aren't on FaceBook, and haven't seen the video I shot just for you, here is a copy:

On an empty stomach: 1 km swim + 250 water jog + 1mn plank + 100 floor abs

Breakfast: 6 fresh figs + rooibos tea + 1 slice toast (white, yes, its unusual) + melted cheese

After a morning spent with my accountants (yes sometimes one has to resign to some admin :)... than off to SF for a meet at the top :)

Japanese lunch: bottomless green tea + 14 sushis... that's too much but I let myself go and indulged!
50 minutes walk: 20 minutes downhill and 30 minutes steep uphill

Snack: 1 apple + 10 raw teriaky almonds

Dinner: vegetarian buffet: raw crackers, artichoke dips, fresh pineapple, smoked salmon, a slice toast with Costa Rican cheese

70 minutes passive muscle toning

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