Monday, April 27, 2009

LeBootCamp on NT1 - acclaimed by a "test client"

Poas Volcano
DAY D-16

Very short night because of my 2am night interview (time difference with France oblige), I suddenly get the munchies, hop a banana full of potassium to keep going. 

That's it! We found it!  It was on NT1 that LeBootCamp was critically acclaimed last week end... now all we have to do is find the tape to share it all with you :)

Breakfast full of vitamins:
a smoothie I call "Berry Blast" the recipe you will soon find on your favorite slimming  site LeBootCamp! made with home made almond milk + hemp seeds (did you know that 4 tbs of hemp-seeds gives you 11 grams of absorbable protein!) + fresh strawberries + 1/2 tbs coco butter + 3 tbs hemp shake powder. 
oh so yummy! 

1 hour walk on the phone
10 minutes Bowflex (I am a fan) 
50 lunges
100 abs on the killer abs lounge

Plenty of green tea to brave this week which I expect to be rather challenging (in a good way)

We find out which was the TV channel that praised LeBootCamp the week end, thank you NT1, how gratifying!

Lunch: 1 huge wild red tuna steak, sashimi grade (that means so fresh you can eat it raw) quickly pan-fried on each side (still raw inside) + 1 papaya

Well owned nap :) I fall asleep reading "Crepusculo", the Spanish version on Twilight... handy to continue improving my Spanish

10  minutes Kundalini yoga
10 minutes fast walk
2 minutes Brazilian moves

Snack: 5 Brazil nuts + 1 handful strawberries + 5 dates + 1 banana

30 minutes Fartleck training with Serena Williams, she kicked my butt!
100 abs on the killer abs lounge

Diner: a Tuna steak, same as lunch time + 1 sprouted quinoa salad (instead of cooking it I sprout it, that way it is full of enzymes and absorbable protein) with tomatoes, chick peas and basil + 5 clementines

A truly good day!

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