Friday, July 10, 2009

A classic coaching day

Breakfast: a generous handful Brazil nuts, great source of selenium (in short: good for the brain) + cherries (its all there is, no other available food sources around, I make do with what I find!)

1 hour walk

I have a rant about how fuller figure people are treated in our society... you will find it in your next LeBootCamp newsletter.

Mexican lunch: a huge tortilla soup + a small Los Cabos fish taco

1.25 km swim all different styles, on the water, under water, on my back, on the side etc...

Snack: a large bowl blueberries (I love them and they are very good for your eyes as they contain lutein, as eggs do) + more cherries + 3 squares milk chocolate

100 abs
2 minutes pelvic floor exercises

Dinner... I am waiting for friends to go out for dinner... I am starving and I have nothing to nibble to hand, all the better ;) when are they coming !??!
Aperitifs: a glass of champagne + Brazil nuts and some Japanese nibbly bits, Argentinian tapas dinner after the house gazpacho which is a must

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