Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hangover - movie- We are in La Parisienne (female supplement of LeParisien)

We are in La Parisienne, the women's supplement of Le Parisien.

Breakfast: 1 slice hemp bread + non-hydrogenated margarine + smoked salmon + 1 pink grapefruit

20 minutes walk

Lunch at the fete: 2 huge samosas made by Sonya + a few "bugnes" a Lyon in between waffle and donut... not very balanced but I eat what I find

30 minutes walk

1 hour passive muscle toning 

Snack 2 handfuls teriaky almonds

2 minutes Brazilian moves
2 minutes ballet moves

Dinner at the cinema, Eat Your Fries, this is for you: sweet potato fries with mango sauce + 1 vegetable sandwich and one VitaminWater10

Hangover, a movie with actors I love, a "forget all" film, in other words, for 2 hours we forget all problems, stress, everything and we work the zygomatics, the abdominals and recharge the batteries... Highly recommended!

50 Hindu prayers
50 wall press-ups

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