Friday, June 26, 2009

Support democracy in Iran

On an empty stomach: 30 floor press-ups + 10 minutes Yoga + 50 Hindu prayers + 20 triceps dips

Breakfast: 1/2 tin of white wine marinated mackerel (I love it, if you find that shocking at breakfast, you must know that it isn't said anywhere that breakfast should be sweet :) + 3 Ryevita + some tapenade + 1 tub raspberries and a few pieces home dried pineapple that is finishing the Euro tour with me.

Lunch on the beach in Antibes overlooking a beautiful protected little cove: a piece of bread with black olive tapenade (yum) + a grilled fillet of john dory on a bed of zucchini puree + 1 cup wild strawberries (with 3 teaspoons whipped cream swiped from my neighbour)

200 meters swim in the sea... I spot a few jelly-fish one of which brushes me without stinging and I tell myself that they aren't that dangerous...

After one hour walk on the telephone, I go for another swim with the idea of swimming for one km... but before getting in, I lay my eyes on Ed who was attacked by a jelly-fish (yes, the kind we get here actually go for you) it looks impressive and it is painful... I swim out a little less comfortable... and eek! my efforts are stunted after only 200 meters by a mini shoal (ok, only a dozen) of big purple jelly-fish... I have a film shoot on Monday and Tuesday and I'd rather not get there all swollen up.
So I go back to shore.

No snack

Dinner: bana cauda (Northern Italian dish of fresh vegetables and anchovy sauce, a personal treat) + 1/2 plate of porcini raviolis + a fruit salad

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